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Cobb Wind Symphony Veterans Concert
Sunday, November 6th at 3pm
Visit our concerts page for more infomration

Formed in September 1999, the Cobb Wind Symphony is comprised of adult musicians from all over the Atlanta area. CWS was created to provide a musical outlet for musicians of Cobb County and the Atlanta area and to further the development of band music. Members benefit from the positive musical experiences brought about by music making in the spirit of camaraderie, and from the opportunity to serve the community through a lifelong love of music with concerts in local schools and outdoor venues. The band rehearses twice a month on Sundays in the Lassiter High School Band Room in Marietta.

The group has grown from its initial 77 members to over 100, and includes musicians from all professions including education, medicine, law, engineering, management and technology. Brought together by a common love of music, the members of the Cobb Wind Symphony bring a unique sound to the metro Atlanta area. The popularity and reputation have grown in the metro Atlanta area in the past decade; the wait-list for new members is now nearly 150. The charter committee and current board include many Lassiter High School Band alumni and past students of Alfred Watkins.

The Cobb Wind Symphony performed its first “run- out" concert in the community on December 9, 2000 at Phipps Plaza in Atlanta and has performed at Marietta Square for their Fourth of July festivities. 

Previous guest conductors and soloists include David Gregory, Mark Camphouse, David Holsinger, Rick Clary, Otis Murphy, Chris Martin, Colin Williams, Cecil Welch, the late Fred Mills and Harry Begian.

Cobb Wind Symphony Notable Performances:


2003 and 2011 Midwest Clinic

2003, 2007, 2011, and 2015  GMEA In-Service Conference

2006 and 2008 National Band Association and College Band Directors National Association Southern Division Conventions

2004 and 2010 University of Georgia High School Band Workshop

2015 International Euphonium and Tuba Symposium 

M A I L I N G    L I S T

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